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Water Security Advocacy

Water security is critical to disaster and climate resilience in the Pacific due to the inextricable links of water to food security, energy, health, economic development, environmental well-being, and the health of ecosystems. Despite its importance, engagement on this issue is still low. As a result, the Pacific continues to some of the lowest levels of access to safe water and sanitation of any region in the world and remains disproportionately affected by the water-related impacts of disasters and climate change - including floods and drought. If current trajectories persist, millions of Pacific islanders will continue to endure water insecurity for generations.

The Water Security Technical Working Group (WSTWG) was established in response to the Call to Action from the 2019 Pacific High-Level Dialogue on Water and Sanitation to accelerate action to support the basic water and sanitation needs of our region’s most vulnerable.


  • aligns its work with the goals of the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific (FRDP) and responds to national development strategies to adapt to climate change and variability;
  • responds to priority needs in national climate change policies and adaptation plans, nationally determined contributions, and national communications reports that call for increasing the adaptive capacity and resilience of key vulnerable sectors; and
  • aims to increase regional engagement, cooperation, and action on water security as a critical component of resilience by increasing multi-stakeholder engagement through the development of a regional water security engagement strategy.

Technical and Secretariate support is provided by the Building Regional Action and Cooperation on Water Security Project (BRAC) funded by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFAT). The working group has a diverse membership comprising representatives from governments, international non-government organizations, development partners, donors, civil society, youth organizations, disability organizations, media, regional organizations, water utilities, and academia. The working group commenced on 7th February 2023, with meetings every two months.

Risk Governance and Resilient Development

The Risk Governance TWG is co-chaired by Fiji and Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) Directors.

Disaster Risk Financing

The Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) TWG was established in 2019 in response to a need to better understand the current landscape of existing disaster risk financing mechanisms available to the region and the gaps.

Human Mobility

The Human Mobility TWG is chaired by the International Organization on Migration (IOM). The TWG was established to the 2019 Pacific Resilience Meeting

Localisation TWG

The TWG on Localization is co-chaired by PIANGO, FemLink and Fiji Disabled People’s Federation. The focus of the TWG is to establish communities of best practice actively engaging in knowledge sharing in disaster preparedness

Information Knowledge Management (IKM) TWG

The Information Knowledge Management (IKM) TWG is chaired by PNG with SPC as the Secretariat. The IKM TWG was established in 2011 to support the work of the Pacific Climate Change.

Water Security Advocacy TWG

Water security is critical to disaster and climate resilience in the Pacific due to the inextricable links of water to food security, energy, health, economic development, environmental well-being, and the health of ecosystems

Pacific Based Carbon Mechanism TWG

This TWG is being led by PIFS and worked in collaboration with the Micronesian Centre for Sustainable Transport

Resilient Infrastructure & Resilient Housing TWG

The purpose of this TWG is to support the various actors and projects enhancing resilient infrastructure in the Pacific through strengthening coordination to avoid duplication of efforts, promoting best practices, providing guidance for national initiatives, and facilitating exchange of lessons learned.