Resilience Financing - The Tonga Experience
Resilient Development Financing in the Pacific - The PREP Experience
The following research briefs on Land Tenure and Climate Mobility in the Pacific Region prepared by Professor Daniel Fitzpatrick, Financing Planned Relocation and Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change in the Pacific Region prepared by Dr. Fanny Thornton and Women and Disability in the Context of Climate Mobility: Case Studies of Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu prepared by Patrick Fong are knowledge products from the Pacific Resilience Partnership's Technical Working Group on Human Mobility (PRP TWG-HM), chaired by the International Organisation for Migration with the generous support of the Swiss Confederation through the Intra-ACP GCCA+ Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES) Action. They are a means to provide critical information to fill knowledge gaps which can feed into policy and programmatic recommendations while supporting policy development with the areas of the research briefs identified and selected as well as peer reviewed by the PRP TWG-HM outcomes from webinars, online surveys and consulations with stakeholders.
Land Tenure and Climate Mobility
Financing Planned Relocation and Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change
Women and Disability in the Context of Climate Mobility
Using Traditional Knowledge to Inform Planned Relocation for Pacific Islands Communities
PIFS Implementing Tools for Research Brief Land Tenure and Climate Mobility
PIFS Integrating Climate Mobility Brief
One of the key activity of the TWG on Localization was to conduct a ‘Mapping and tracking of all the localisation activities conducted by partners in-country.’ Given the recent impacts of COVID 19, The objective of the mapping survey was two-fold which was tracking of localisation activities and the impact of COVID 19 on humanitarian activities at national level.
The mapping activity which was conducted through an online survey from the 17th till the 31st of July 2020.
A copy of the PRP Charter is available on the link below.
At the PRP Taskforce meeting in November 2019, the Taskforce endorsed a 9-point strategy to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of the PRP as the implementation mechanism for the FRDP.
The development of a PRP Charter is a key part of the 9-point strategy and provides clarity on what the PRP is and the roles and obligations of its members. A copy of the PRP Charter is available on the link below.
A copy of the PRP Charter is available on the link below.
Resources for building resilient food systems
Resources for building resilient water systems
Resources for building resilient coasts
These factsheets and resource briefs provide broad an overarching messages and options to be considered in order to build resilience to climate change and disasters in the Pacific in relation to water security, food security and integrated coastal zone management.
They are aimed at policy and decision makers, however, can be used by anyone. The accompanying resource brief outlines some key resources for obtaining more detailed information.