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PRM 2023

2023 Pacific Resilience Meeting (PRM)


The PRM brings together all stakeholders in the Pacific resilience space to elevate and demonstrate Pacific-led actions that inspire genuine learning and connection through diverse and inclusive approaches across the Pacific and global stage.

The biennial Pacific Resilience Meeting (PRM) is a key component of the Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP) governance arrangements endorsed by the Pacific Island Forum Leaders in 2017 to support the effective implementation of the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific: An Integrated Approach to Climate Change and Disaster (FRDP) 2017 – 2030.

Our People, Our Strength: Securing Our Pacific Future

The 2023 Pacific Resilience meeting is an opportunity to share stories of strength and resilience from our People. It is about showcasing the strength, adaptability, and sustainability of the Pacific communities and ecosystems in the face of adversity. It is also acknowledging that building our resilience for a secure future should be through proactive measures, collaboration, and the preservation of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge.

This year, the Pacific Resilience Meeting (PRM 2023) theme is about: Our People, Our Strength: Securing Our Pacific Future.

The theme emphasises how all people of the Pacific are at the centre of building resilience, highlighting Pacific rights and local action. The term “securing” refers to taking solid steps from endurance to planting us firmly as a region with a secure and unified future. The PRM 2023 is a platform that will unpack resilience issues including overcoming challenges, transitioning from enduring to resilience through sustainable, transformative local efforts, as well as exploring how resilience is already embedded within us Pacific citizens, underpinned by traditional knowledge and coming to build together as a region.

This meeting will share stories of strength and resilience; highlighting the long-term strength, adaptability, and sustainability of Pacific communities and ecosystems in the face of adversity. Building resilience to secure the future of the region through proactive measures, collaboration, and the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and knowledge will be at the core of discussions at PRM 2023.