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FRDP Monitoring & Evaluation

FRDP M&E Strategy

The FRDP M&E Strategy (the Strategy), seeks to ensure good quality monitoring and evaluation evidence is integrated into climate and disaster resilience governance processes across sectors and at sub-national, national and regional levels. Doing this strengthens accountability for resilient development investments and efforts in the Pacific region and provides a more solid evidence base for future decisions and communications.

The Strategy identifies factors critical to the development and operationalisation of the FRDP M&E framework.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Needs Assessment (ME&LNA) Report

This report begins with an overview of the study’s purpose and background. A review of policy briefs and policies from the region and elsewhere framed the identification of gaps and opportunities for monitoring and evaluating the FRDP. A description of the study approach and methods follows. It describes the documents reviewed and the types of talanoa employed to gather and analyse the information sourced. The study highlights respondents’ views of what they considered to be important considerations for monitoring and evaluating the FRDP. These relate mainly to the need to connect and adaptively manage M&E systems across sectors (e.g. food, water, health) and geographical boundaries (sub-national, national, regional and international) in a way the supports accountability, learning, and gender and social inclusivity.

The study recommends three key change domains to enable the development and operationalisation of an FRDP M&E system. They include: strengthening national resilience M&E systems; ensuring reporting coherence at national and regional levels; and facilitating enduring partnerships.

The Strategy identifies factors critical to the development and operationalisation of the FRDP M&E framework.