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PRP Webinar Series 8 – Pacific Regional Food Security Assessments, Projects and their Local Outcomes

Pacific Island Countries and Territories food security is facing a multitude of risks with adverse impacts on nutritional value, availability and accessibility of good quality diverse food products. The geographical diversity of the Pacific region adds further complexity to the different dimensions of food security that are being experienced in the region.

This webinar brought together different organizations to share experiences on the broad area of food security assessments and interventions with demonstrated local benefits and outcomes. It explored and shared knowledge and experiences around the impacts of COVID-19 on food systems and diets, assessment of diet quality and leveraging traditional knowledge, the best practices that increase farm production and productivity and approaches to more resilient agricultural practices. Learning from the challenges and building on the opportunities can assist in building more sustainable and resilient food systems.

Click Here to Check Out the Panel Profile

Click Here to View Recording from the Webinar


Presentation from PIFON

Presentation from Viliamu

WFP Presentation

Presentation from POETCom