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PRP Webinar 16: Resilient Housing in the Pacific

This webinar focused on Resilient Housing in the Pacific.

Below are three key publications under Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster Ready programme. The purpose of this programme is to strengthen local humanitarian capability and preparedness so that communities are better able to respond to and recover from rapid- and slow-onset disasters.

Fiji Shelter Handbook

The Fiji Shelter Handbook focuses on shelter coordination and response in Fiji.The handbook holistically supports the shelter sector’s preparedness for and response to disasters such as cyclones, floods, droughts, earthquakes and tsunamis. This support is especially relevant in the context of the severe climate change impacts faced by Pacific nations like Fiji.The use of this book as a guide will assist in minimizing the time spent in understanding the processes and products associated with shelter response in the event of a disaster and thereby enhancing the speed and effectiveness of the response.This book is the first version of a work in progress towards continuing updates as we move forward and it is my belief that we will continue to work together to promote and improve this tool for more efficient shelter response for our Fijian families.

Available here: https://reliefweb.int/report/fiji/fiji-shelter-handbook-inclusive-and-accessible-shelter-planning-fijian-communities

Vanuatu Shelter Guide

Community Voices for Inclusive Shelter Programming in Vanuatu (Community Voices) developed by Vanuatu Shelter Cluster in close partnership with Habitat for Humanity Fiji under the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Disaster Ready Programme. It builds on a significant body of work on safe sheltering and housing recovery developed by the Vanuatu Government and the Vanuatu Shelter Cluster. Community Voices is not a stand-alone document. Key guidance documents that underpin shelter technical standards have already been developed and endorsed by the Vanuatu Shelter Cluster and by the Vanuatu Government, therefore, this developed resource should be read together with the latest guidance as well as the foundational documents of the Vanuatu Shelter Cluster.

Available here:  https://habitatfiji.org.fj/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Community-Voices-Shelter-Programming-in-Vanuatu.pdf

Solomon Islands Shelter Guide

Addressing the specific shelter needs of five vulnerable informal settlements in Honiara, Solomon Islands, the shelter guide was administered by Habitat for Humanity Fiji and developed by Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in close collaboration with local project partners in Honiara in 2021. The Guide targets technical knowledge and principals that assist local efforts during preparation, response, and longer-term recovery stages for both formal shelter responders and community members who act as first responders.

Available here:  https://habitatfiji.org.fj/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Inclusive-and-Disaster-Resilient-Shelter-Guide_Solomon-Islands_2022.pdf

You can view the recording here.

Resilient Shelter Guide PPT

PPT from CEO Bing