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The Tonga DRF Strategy 2021–2025 has six strategic priorities to measure and reduce the economic and financial costs associated with disasters in Tonga.

  1. Identify and quantify disaster-related economic and financial risks, including those exacerbated by climate changes.
  2. Review the portfolio of risk financing instruments annually to ensure they meet government objectives cost-effectively.
  3. Assess options to transfer risk to the private sector and strengthen domestic insurance markets.
  4. Strengthen disaster-related public financial management.
  5. Develop adaptive social protection.
  6. Develop national disaster risk management policy frameworks and plans and invest in national disaster risk reduction priorities to mitigate and minimize the effect of future disaster shocks, including those exacerbated by climate change.

The strategy identifies sets of activities and sub-activities for each strategic priority, which are sequenced in a detailed implementation plan that is included as Appendix C of the document. 

Strategic guidance and oversight: The strategy references a steering committee chaired by the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Finance (MoF). 


  • Lead agencies: Ministry of Finance (MoF), Resilient Development Financing Division, in close consultation with the National DRM Office (NDRMO, previously NEMO).
  • Coordination: The strategy references a working group comprising members of the ministries and agencies responsible for implementing specific tasks under the identified priorities.

Partner support lead: World Bank through the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank.

Tonga DRF Strategy 2021-2025

Latest internal progress update was prepared in October 2022. A comprehensive progress report is under preparation as of October 2024 and will be published here following completion.