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Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands National DRF Strategy 2024–2027 is a policy initiative led by the Solomon Islands Government to bolster the country's financial resilience against disasters. It aims to provide tailored financial solutions, particularly addressing the needs of the most vulnerable segments of society. The strategy's goal is to strengthen the financial protection of the Solomon Islands against disasters as part of a broader effort to support resilient and sustainable development. It has four priorities:

The strategy identifies 13 priority activities for implementation in year 1. Its monitoring, evaluation, and learning framework provides a mechanism to ensure that implementation proceeds through a continuous process of learning and development. 

Strategic guidance and oversight: National Disaster Risk Financing Steering Group (NDRFSG). As of April 2024, the members of the NDRFSG were drawn from the following organisations:

  • Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT): Climate Finance Resilience Unit, Budget, and Treasury
  • MECDM: NDMO and Solomon Islands Meteorological Service
  • Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs
  • Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
  • Ministry of Police, National Security and Corrections Service
  • Ministry of Provincial Government
  • National Statistics Office
  • Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Development Services Exchange (NGO)
  • Central Bank of the Solomon Islands.

The Head of the MoFT-Climate Finance Resilience Unit serves as the Chair of the NDRFSG and the Unit provides Secretariat support for the NDRFSG.

Implementation lead agency: Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT), Climate Finance Resilience Unit (CFRU)

Partner support lead: World Bank in collaboration with the Pacific Resilience Partnership’s DRF Technical Working Group (Asian Development Bank, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Pacific Community, Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company, and United Nations Capital Development Fund through the Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme)

Copy of approved DRF Strategy pending
Solomon Islands DRF Strategy 2024-2027 Factsheet
Journey to Resilience: Developing the SI National DRF Strategy

Implementation not yet commenced (as of October 2024).