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The Samoa DRF Policy 2022-2025 envisions "an improved disaster resilient Samoa". It aims to achieve its goal of "prioritized DRF to reduce socio-economic and fiscal vulnerability of the economy" by providing strategic guidance and direction for the government and its institutions to reduce the socio-economic and fiscal effects of disasters through prioritizing and combining specific financial instruments in the aftermath of a disaster. The policy has five strategic priorities to improve the understanding and reduce the economic and financial costs associated with disasters in Samoa:

  1. Identify and quantify disaster-related economic and fiscal risks.
  2. National budget and planning to be informed by climate and disaster risk analysis.
  3. Explore options to transfer disaster risks to the private sector.
  4. Identify a cost-efficient combination of disaster risk financing instruments each year and report on these to the Cabinet and Parliament annually.
  5. Build institutional capacity on disaster risk financing.

For each of the strategic priorities a set of activities are identified, which are sequenced in a three year implementation plan that forms part of the policy.

Strategic guidance and oversight: Climate Resilience Steering Committee (CRSC), chaired by the Ministry of Finance and with CEOs of various sectoral ministries/agencies as members

Implementation lead agency: Ministry of Finance, jointly by Economic Planning and Policy Division, Public Finance Management Sector Coordination Division, and Climate Resilience Investment Coordination Division

Partner support lead: World Bank through the Samoa Pacific Resilience Project under the Pacific Resilience Program (PREP)

Samoa DRF Policy 2022-2025

Latest internal progress update was prepared in May 2023, with publicly available updates pending.