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As of October 2024, three Pacific island countries (Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga) have national DRF strategies or policies in place. Drafting of Vanuatu’s DRF policy has been completed in September 2024, with government review and approval processes currently ongoing. In Fiji, preparations and diagnostics activities have recently commenced. For details on national DRF strategies and policies that have been approved and are under implementation, visit the respective country page.

CountryCoverageStageStatus (as of October 2024)Document
FijiNot yet availableDiagnosticsProcess commenced in September 2024 and is scheduled for completion in March 2025Not yet available
Samoa2022-2025ImplementationNo public progress information available; latest internal progress update prepared in May 2023Samoa DRF Policy 2022-2025
Solomon Islands2024-2027ImplementationStrategy approval in September 2024, with implementation planning to commenceNot yet available
Tonga2021-2025ImplementationNo public progress information available; latest internal progress update prepared in October 2022; comprehensive progress report under preparationTonga DRF Strategy 2021-2025
Vanuatu2024-2029DevelopmentDraft policy under government reviewNot yet available