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The DRF Country Manuals provide country-specific guidance on DRF and its enabling environment to facilitate improved preparedness and response to emergency situations. Each DRF Manual currently covers overarching legal, policy, and planning frameworks as well as information on individual DRF instruments, disaster-related planning, and post-disaster budget execution processes for procurement and grant-making in the emergency context. The virtual nature of the manuals enables flexible access by government staff (including during emergency events) and allows regular updating as frameworks and procedures change. It further facilitates knowledge sharing and learning across the region.

The DRF Manuals are living documents and will be expanded over time. Additional areas to be covered will include processes for fiscal risk assessment and risk layering of DRF instruments, imprest management, accounting and reporting, and audit and evaluation. Practical experiences with the DRF Manuals during training and drill exercises as well as from their use during emergency events will inform improvements over time. This may include splitting information into preparedness and response stages to facilitate easier navigation for users, particularly during emergency situations. DRF Manuals for additional Pacific island countries will be developed over time.

DRF Country Manuals

DRF Country Manuals currently under development