Learn more about the DRF Technical Working Group:
At the 2021 Pacific Forum Economic Minister Meeting (FEMM), agreed that the Technical Working Group (TWG) will serve as an expert group for advisory support to FEMM on Disaster Risk Finance. The TWG as a collaboration of partners and Forum Island Countries, facilitate priorities of the FEMM in the DRF space and ensure the Economic Ministers are regularly apprised of new and emerging opportunities for strengthened financial protection against disasters.
The TWG current membership includes the Fiji Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Planning & Development; Tonga Ministry of Finance, Samoa Ministry of Finance, SPC, FAO, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership, WFP, UNDRR, IFRC, OCHA, PFIP/PICAP, World Bank, ADB, MFAT, DFAT, Oxfam Pacific, Citywide Youth Network, and Fiji National Provident Fund.