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2020 Brief Report – Progressing the FRDP

The Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific or FRDP was approved by Pacific leaders at their meeting in September 2016. The FRDP is the overarching regional framework for climate change and disaster risk management, providing high level voluntary strategic guidance to different stakeholder groups.

In endorsing the FRDP, Leaders through the Pohnpei Statement: Strengthening Pacific Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk, called on all development partners, the private sector and civil society to join with Pacific Islands Countries and Territories to support the principles and the implementation of this statement through high-level participation in a new Pacific Resilience Partnership. The establishment of the inclusive multi-stakeholder Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP) to complement the FRDP, reflects concerted efforts to facilitate and increase capacity for a multi-actor response to climate change and disaster risk.

In September 2017, Pacific Leaders approved a set of governance arrangements, on a trial basis for a period of two years, for the Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP).

In 2019, Leaders further extended the trial period for another year subject to a review on the PRP governance arrangements effectiveness and efficiency with a report back to Leaders in 2020. Leaders also called for a report on further elaboration of the FRDP in line with the Paris Agreement. Below is the report that was tabled at the leaders meeting in 2020.

Brief in English

June 2023 -> Rallying on Water Security

PRP Technical Working Group to develop regional engagement strategy on water security. Water security refers to the maintaining of safe and sustainable access to clean and safe water throughout all…
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